Welcome to Agate Examples

[This is a young work in progress.]

This site is a collection of my personal examples using agate Python library. While the Cookbook and Tutorial are a good start to learning and using agate, these pages are a compendium of examples and variations that I have used and would like to remember. Perhaps they are useful to others, as well.

I use agate in my work at the Statesman to build transparent, repeatable data pipelines and analysis in the course of reporting, usually in conjuction with Jupyter Notebooks.

Use of these examples implies some knowledge of agate, jupyter notebooks and python in general.

Some examples of how we have used agate at the Statesman:

About the author

My name is Christian McDonald, and I am the data editor at the Austin American-Stateman and an adjunct professor that the UT-Austin School of Journalism, where I teach a data journalism class.